The all new Yara AllFarm is designed to shape the future. The golden threat holding it all together. Enabling customers to create an executable, “data enabled” plan for their production season based on understanding from analysis, learnings from experience and insights from data in an effort to maximize profitability
Find the right fertilizer

Our fertilizers are grouped into product families to make it easier to choose the right one.
Ask your Plant!
The nutritional status of the plants determines the timing and amount of fertilizer. With the N-Tester it is possible to identify the nitrogen requirements of plants directly on the field easily, safely and quickly. The nitrogen fertiliser demand is never constant and can vary considerably from year to year and field to field. By splitting the N-fertilisation into more dressings, it is possible to optimise the N-fertiliser rate according to the actual plants needs on any field in any year.
Farmer's Toolbox
Our collection of tools help you to make better nutrient decisions.