Younger leaves show uniform yellowing while leaf veins remain green and prominent for a while. With progressing deficiency the leaf blades fade completely.
Manganese deficiency
As symptoms of Mn, Zn and Fe deficiency are often difficult to distinguish, soil and plant testing is recommended.
Cotton - Chlorosis
Younger leaves show uniform yellowing while leaf veins remain green and prominent for a while. With progressing deficiency the leaf blades fade completely.
Manganese deficiency
As symptoms of Mn, Zn and Fe deficiency are often difficult to distinguish, soil and plant testing is recommended.
Cotton - Chlorosis
Younger leaves show uniform yellowing while leaf veins remain green and prominent for a while. With progressing deficiency the leaf blades fade completely.
Manganese deficiency
As symptoms of Mn, Zn and Fe deficiency are often difficult to distinguish, soil and plant testing is recommended.
Cotton - Deformation
Younger leaves show uniform yellowing while leaf veins remain green and prominent for a while. With progressing deficiency the leaf blades fade completely. Small yellowish dots appear, enlarge and turn necrotic brown with time. Leaves can be cupped down.
Manganese deficiency
As symptoms of Mn, Zn and Fe deficiency are often difficult to distinguish, soil and plant testing is recommended.
Cotton - Deformation
Younger leaves show uniform yellowing while leaf veins remain green and prominent for a while. With progressing deficiency the leaf blades fade completely. Small yellowish dots appear, enlarge and turn necrotic brown with time. Leaves can be cupped down.
Manganese deficiency
As symptoms of Mn, Zn and Fe deficiency are often difficult to distinguish, soil and plant testing is recommended.