Older leaves show interveinal chlorosis with beginning leaf scorch spreading from the marginal area to the center. Well-defined necrotic patches in the leaf center might derive from Verticillium infection.
Early-season potassium deficiency
K and Mg deficiency both cause interveinal chlorosis. With Mg deficiency the green leaf veins are well-defined against the chlorotic tissue whereas with K deficiency the color gradient is rather diffuse. Verticillium wilt causes interveinal necrotic lesions with well-defined borders.
Cotton - Chlorosis
Older leaves show interveinal chlorosis with beginning leaf scorch spreading from the marginal area to the center.
Early-season potassium deficiency
K and Mg deficiency both cause interveinal chlorosis. With Mg deficiency the green leaf veins are well-defined against the chlorotic tissue whereas with K deficiency the color gradient is rather diffuse. Verticillium wilt causes interveinal necrotic lesions with well-defined borders.
Cotton - Chlorosis
Older leaves show interveinal chlorosis with beginning leaf scorch spreading from the marginal area to the center.
Early-season potassium deficiency
K and Mg deficiency both cause interveinal chlorosis. With Mg deficiency the green leaf veins are well-defined against the chlorotic tissue whereas with K deficiency the color gradient is rather diffuse. Verticillium wilt causes interveinal necrotic lesions with well-defined borders.
Cotton - Chlorosis
With beginning boll development and ongoing deficiency, chlorosis and marginal necrosis occur on medium aged leaves, too. Interveinal areas show a bronze-orange tint.
Late-season potassium deficiency
K and Mg deficiency both cause interveinal chlorosis. With Mg deficiency the green leaf veins are well-defined against the chlorotic tissue whereas with K deficiency the color gradient is rather diffuse. Verticillium wilt causes interveinal necrotic lesions with well-defined borders.
Cotton - Discolouration
Starting from their margins, older leaves show interveinal chlorosis. If K deficiency occurs after peak bloom the interveinal paling usually starts in the upper part of the canopy and is often followed by subsequent bronzing and necrosis. The affected leaf blades may also get a reddish tint. Purple spots appear on the marginal leaf area and on buds, coalesce and produce an irregularly mottled discoloration. Scorched tissue becomes brittle and breaks off.
Severe late-season potassium deficiency
Cotton - Necrosis
Starting from their margins, older leaves show interveinal chlorosis. If K deficiency occurs after peak bloom the interveinal paling usually starts in the upper part of the canopy and is often followed by subsequent bronzing and necrosis. The affected leaf blades may also get a reddish tint. Purple spots appear on the marginal leaf area and on buds, coalesce and produce an irregularly mottled discoloration. Scorched tissue becomes brittle and breaks off.
Severe late-season potassium deficiency
Cotton - Necrosis
The affected leaf blades may get a reddish tint. Purple spots appear on the marginal leaf area and on buds, coalesce and produce an irregularly mottled discoloration. Scorched tissue becomes brittle and breaks off.
Late-season potassium deficiency
Cotton - Necrosis
The affected leaf blades may get a reddish tint. Purple spots appear on the marginal leaf area and on buds, coalesce and produce an irregularly mottled discoloration. With advanced deficiency there appear necrotic dots within the reddish areas. Scorched tissue becomes brittle and breaks off.