Cereals: 3 - 5 l/ha from the 2 leaf stage to 1st node detectable, (Zadok's G.S. 12 to 31). Repeat at 10 to 14 day intervals if necessary within this time-frame, up to a maximum of three applications. Water rate: 50 to 200 l/ha
Tobacco: Two applications of 3 to 5 l/ha two to three weeks after transplanting (3 to 4 leaf stage) with 10 days between applications. Water rate: 30 to 500 l/ha.
Cereals: 3 - 5 l/ha from the 2 leaf stage to 1st node detectable, (Zadok's G.S. 12 to 31). Repeat at 10 to 14 day intervals if necessary within this time-frame, up to a maximum of three applications. Water rate: 50 to 200 l/ha
Tobacco: Two applications of 3 to 5 l/ha two to three weeks after transplanting (3 to 4 leaf stage) with 10 days between applications. Water rate: 30 to 500 l/ha.